Through The Depth Of Understanding Poem by Janice M Pickett

Through The Depth Of Understanding

I knew what I was facing before I arrived here
My spirit was prepared
and yet
I forgot it all through birth and human failings

It's taken decades of lessons
to reach this state of understanding
and knowing why

Facing unbelievers
The self absorbed and self indulging
The hypocrites
and the abusers of the flesh

I have seen Spirit
I know myself and understand Spirit

for I am she

But I feel pain when I am mocked
and told I am a fool
For to be a fool I would have to
accept what man and cults dictate

and push aside the truth

I would have to lie to myself
and lose the belief
which I know to be my spiritual right

So I just keep it to myself
knowing that each has a journey
One I cannot walk with them
nor guide them through

I am what I am

and I shall retun when the time is right
to my spirit home
where mutual respect, love and understanding
are flowing

This place of learning we call Earth shall survive
because it has to
Man will grow and change because he needs to
and Spirit will be the soul of man
as it is supposed to

For as long as it has to be
I shall return
As many times as it is required
to become what I am destined for
within the makeup of this
place known as the Universe

Janice M Pickett

Janice M Pickett

Middlesex England
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