Through The Rose Colored Glasses Poem by Trever Barlow

Through The Rose Colored Glasses

The rose colored glasses blinded my vision of you
now I can clearly see the full spectrum of view.

I ignored what I felt, but no longer ignore.
I adored all that I saw but no longer adore.

The things that I loved, that I found inside you
they now all seem absent, and slightly askew.

What you showed to the world and shared with the masses,
is all that I saw from behind those damned glasses.

I learned little of you through the constant distraction
and saw only what came to my own satisfaction.

I don't know from where came this sudden attraction
now the glasses are off with my startled reaction.

I like nothing of you, enjoy none of your quirks,
and simply being with you would reward me no perks.

Now I see nothing inside, it all seems so hollow,
how could I fall for you? Its almost hard to swallow

Was I really this stupid, foolish, and shallow,
to think this would work? Now I can see, Hell No!

The thought leaves me disturbed, sick, and disheveled,
everything that I can see, now that my thoughts have all leveled.

I cannot believe how I was blinded by a pretty face
and I could not see how events really took place.

I thought that I loved you, what else can I say?
But the love that I had, has more than begun to decay.

To say how I felt seems like such a cliché
but now those feelings are gone, where they will always stay.

I just took your word, listened to all you had to say
when you said you'd be here, and wont go away.

But wouldn't you know it, to my dismay
you turned out a liar, who cant help but betray.

Thoughts of you were constant, they filled up my day
But you wont even talk, hardly a word sent my way.

You'll be happy to know, things now are okay
Now I don't wait up at all, not expecting your call today.

Well that worked out alright, you're in the same spot
but now that I see clearly, I'm glad that I'm not.

Now I curse at myself for any feelings I had towards you.
falling that fast I wont ever again do.

All now I can do, is hope to be wise
and see right through the rose colored disguise.

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