Till My Last Breathe Poem by Raimi Babatunde

Till My Last Breathe

I woke up musing
I yawned with head tilted westwards
Hands covering my mouth
Involuntarily I sighted the moon
It was a half-moon
Masterfully sitting in the cloud
You hung it there as a reminder
Of your promise to the sons of man
A sign of your unending love
And continuous miraculous Interventions
In all we lay our hands upon
How come You never sleep nor slumber?
Yet, You created the night
That we may slumber and replenish
You made some rulers of the day
And others masters of the night
Your awesomeness is mysteriously mysterious
It is really an amazement
How we die at night
And resurrect the next morning
What happens inbetween
Will forever be a mystery
When I sit at your footstool
I will ask The One and "All Knowing"
The one that allows us to ask
But cannot be questioned
Lest you become a question mark
You alone deserves our praise
You are the reason for my season
Greater than the greatest
The Creator of Heaven and earth
The God that loves me unconditionally
The One that covered the earth with water
And pockets of earth
You filled me with signs and wonders
Grace and splendour
Till my last breathe
If Jesus tarries My Lord
I will worship and serve you
So help me Lord!

Saturday, July 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,worship
Jane Campion 27 July 2019

Well your belief is astoundingly sincere.

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