Time... Poem by Jennifer Panner


As time goes by I sit here and realize that it has a cruel and unexplained way of breaking my heart. It has taken love from me. People say that time heals all wounds…but I have to wonder do they know what love really is? To love someone and have that love taken from you is a wound that will never heal, it remains in a very dark place in your heart. You never forget that first kiss or what her touch felt like, the first time she looked in your eyes and said I Love You. No matter how hard you try no one will ever be able to replace that feeling. As I go through life I still look for her…around every corner, only to realize that she is not there. There are times when I feel like I have found true love, only to realize that time is again taking from me the girl that I love. Once again, it seems that I am retuning to the dark place in my heart. I am not sure I can go there again, I am so scared…I don’t want to feel the pain it is going to bring. I wonder if she realizes what is happening or is she to searching for love …only to realize that I am just a stepping stone in her heart. She no longer seems to look at me the same, I suddenly find myself missing the little things that she use to do to let me know that I am special to her…a touch of her hand when no one is looking, a kiss when you least expect it, when you begin to feel lonely, some how she would come looking for me.
I thought that you were on my side, I thought that I could keep our love alive. Don’t tell me that it’s to late. Grant me just another day, help me find that right words to say. To make her want to stay.
Only you can turn the page, and close the curtain on this empty stage. Only you can take this pain away….


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