Time Goes By Poem by If I say Im lost, Would you come find me

Time Goes By

Its funny,
if you think back to when you were a little child
your mother took care of you
she played with you
she smiled with you
and laughed with you.
your father would be silly to see you smile
he would try to teach you simple things
to be tough and strong
and when you fall to get back up and shack it off
while your young
while your a baby
you think life is great you have mommy
you daddy
you think nothing is wrong
time goes by your older
you still think life is great mommy is worried wen you get hurt but your still playing hard and laughing
daddy is proud of you and thinks everything of you
time goes by
your older your starting school you come home with a paper that says you did a great job today and played with all the other kids
mommy and daddy are so proud and you think your amazing
time goes by mommy and daddy start fighting
mommy tries to keep you from hearing
your confused and worried daddy is really big and mommy isn't that strong
you yell at daddy to stop to leave mommy allow
he takes it out on you
he smells bad really bad and now that your older you know that's smell hes drunk but as a child you didn't know your crying
he tells you your nothing but a pain and your a waste of time and space
mommy yells at him and your sitting there lost and wondering what you did wrong and how you didn't realize it
next thing all you see is daddy throwing things as he walks out of the house and mommy standing above you telling you daddy is feeling ok
telling you he didn't mean what he said to you
telling you that if your not feeling ok shell sleep with you
she picks you up as you look out the window you see daddy drink a bottle hes eyes are blood shot and hes angry really angry
mommy lays you down and tells you everything is fine
your tired and fall asleep
time goes by your i'm middle school now its harder to have mommy and daddy to be proud the yelling and fighting has increased
daddy is never really home yet when he is hes drunk
the yelling can be heard from houses down now and mommy started fighting back
daddy yells at you to go to bed but you try to stand your ground and say no you get slapped and yelled at to no talk back to respect your father
your holding your face and crying your brother comes in hes older
he see you n the ground he see daddy screaming ans spitting words at you he yells and tell daddy to leave you alone
daddy comes storming at your brother and all you see is your brother thrown against the wall and his feet not touching the ground
daddy is saying something but you cant make it out
all your seeing is your brother looking at you crying
you think to yourself after everything calms down and no one is hurt
bubba wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for me
you cry your self to sleep that night and the nights after that
you don't sleep well you wake up to every noise in the house
you learn quickly to stay in your room and stay out of the way until the yelling and screaming stops
and if the fight is brought to your room try to move quickly so you don't get hit as hard and try to avoid daddy until mommy comes
time goes by daddy stops coming home for a while things get better
you wake up in the middle of the night daddy is walking out of the house
you run to him crying daddy where have you been i've missed you are you going to stay
hes looks down at you and you see tears in his eyes
he says he will come home tonight after work but to go to bed because you have school in the morning
you come home you don't see daddy you wait and wait watching the cars drive by and daddy never comes home
mommy makes dinner like usual
you say your not hungry but your starving
you say your not feeling god and you want to go to bed
time goes by
mommy tells you daddy really isn't your father that you were adopted when you were three years old
she tells you that they are getting a divorce
that they cant be together
years go by you try to keep them together because you think its your fault
its your fault they fight
its your fault they cant be together
your fault they hate each other
time goes by
you cant fix them they separate
your alone and confused
you don't know what to do
so you close yourself
you lock away the pain the hurt
you close everything
so when people look at you they will never think something is wrong
time goes by

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