Timmy Poem by Francis Duggan


He is quite a good bloke Timmy and for others he does care
And he would give you his last dollar his type of person rare
And though his generosity has been abused he has been known to say
What goes around always comes around life's always been this way.

He is a free lance plumber a useful enough trade
And one might say he earns every dollar he is paid
And when he works for some one on welfare or on a pension when the job is done he say
Just ten dollars an hour to you a third of my usual pay.

He doesn't have a wife or lady friend or children still he is only twenty four
And the young woman that he once loved not his woman any more
To those who ask him about her he says it wasn't meant to be
I was not the fellow for her and she was not the one for me.

Old Mrs Tuthill his next door neighbour she is living on her own
And since her husband Bill this life departed financial hardship she has known
But young Timmy mows her grass and tends her garden and his services are free
And Mrs Tuthill she will tell you there is none so great as he.

He is one of those rare people who performs a good deed every day
And for to help out the less fortunate he goes out of his way
And the goodness that is in him mirrored in his handsome and happy face
And it truly can be said about him that his heart's in the right place.

Timmy is one of my neighbours and he is a real good bloke
And he always seems so happy and good for a laugh and a joke
He would give you his last dollar and people like him are rare
And for the less fortunate of the neighbourhood he is one who truly care.

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