To Steal My Heart Poem by malini kadir

malini kadir

malini kadir

Nagapatinam, a coastal port, Tamilnadu, India NOW RESIDING IN TRICHY

To Steal My Heart

Rating: 3.0

The honey in the hive I created
Is dripping to my tongue
But I can not bring myself
To take a lick........

heart must trudge on
tears must dry.......

But; two minutes in your arms
I am ready for my day!

Your warmth steals through me....
I snuggle closer
My mind in union with you
Some how
the lone Venus
Under the moon
On its fourth day
Is singularly bright!

The arc of the moon
With the single star
Is nostalgic of bygone days
My heart smiles with you
As my hands tighten around yours

If I fly over to your town
Will you visit me on your own?
I feel like asking the moon!
Then shy, change my mind
You are my sun
You lend light to this moon........
When I hold your hands
Need I ask any one for anything?

My eyes hold all the love in my heart
In the stillness of the night
Let me love you to my heart's content
Touch every frown
With my kiss

Till you relax
And smile.......
To steal my heart
all over again.......


malini kadir

malini kadir

Nagapatinam, a coastal port, Tamilnadu, India NOW RESIDING IN TRICHY
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