Today You Poem by Bekah Tav.

Today You

Today you crushed my spirit.
Today you broke my heart.
Today you fought enough that now
I am falling apart.
My little head can’t take it,
And now as you can see,
This pain inside my head
Is taking over me.
How much do you think I can take?
And keep it all inside.
I am about to explode,
Are you about to hide?
Hide like you’ve always done,
When I’ve needed you.
Run like its all been done,
And I’m fighting to get back to you.
But this time its gonna be different,
This time as you know
I have had enough of it,
No more go-with-the-flow.
I am standing speaking up
For all that I believe.
And right now I say that
I think its time for me to leave.
There’s too much stress here
For me to take.
There’s too much brokenness
That my heart can’t take.
And I’m sick
And tired
Of trying to make it right.
I’m done
And over
Of putting up with this fight.
So today,
You made me realize that
Today, though you crushed
And hurt me
I know now
I can be strong.
That I’ll get away from it all
No matter how long
It takes….
Today you crushed my spirit.
Today you broke my heart.
Today you fought enough that now
I am falling apart..

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