Trip To Digha Poem by Pijush Biswas

Trip To Digha

Rating: 5.0

After a long awaiting had been over, the day
Was finally, at the door of our hope
We were hoping lot as the bay
Of Bengal, turbulent, praying us with every drop.
Everyone was making oneself equipped
And had endured patience for longer,
As the trip was grasped by finger.
The mind, once thoughtfull, became freed.

Lot of fun there and 'hurray' said we
For the vehicle arrived, and whistling
Made stir our mind.
The night falling down, 'Get in car' one said
And bussiness seemed us to come in,
Some busy, some unconscious, and
Whistle again!

Some wrong by them, wine at glass's brim
Found I happiness, noise by the team
Too much it was, made them drowsy.
Dreamy they became, though they are not lazy.
Children crying and parents are trying
To make them calm, and heartily praying.

I said the vehicle 'fast fast! '
But, nothing heard by him:
After a time, his wheel suddenly burst!
Among the forest we all stopped, dim
Now the night passed; the Sun in the East
We crossed long way, and at last reached.

The sea was calling us, to Her bosom
Everything looked nice, though it was awesome.
Some said 'Lets have room? '
We went to a mansion that possesses a dome.
Pleasure we noticed there, and took sleep
Though it was sea-beach, came the sleet.

We faced the beach at noon
And our soul became happier, full of boon.
I watched so deeply the shore,
Mind wanted to do something more.
And, I wrote her name upon the strand
Came the tide, washed it away being grand;
So depressed then became I.
Outstanding! the scene attached to my eyes:

A child, swimming among all jumped
A gaint came, but happened nothing to him
Because, the tide liked him for he was not damned.
Seemed, that moment, I was in dream!
I heard a beggar, making a sweet tone
While I, wandering beside the sea
Compared it with, sitting on mossy stone
The chord, once I listen, made by bee.

I understood the language of spirited wind
As if, telling me 'Become in heart more kind'.
Tides, broken severally on my feet
Made ne realize: though she playful but deep.
I noticed children gathering foam
Became they nervous, and I roam.
Now, the sea retreating and the Sun in the West
'Don't leave me', came the request
To me, and I dissolved myself in salty water;
Though casually, but seen by a porter.
In water I was for thirty minutes spent
'Lets it finish, and go' from the tent.
I noticed the Sun, bidding 'good bye' the day;
The night getting down, and it's ending of May.

The night thickening, one dinner finished
To us it seemed: the vacation accomplished.
'Let us spare now' said I to the Sea-shore
'Always unfolded for you'assured she 'my door'
'You must come again' she said 'I hope'.
Fell from her eyes, as if I felt, one drop.

Trip To Digha
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: tripping
Neela Nath Das 05 March 2013

Nice one. Thanks for sharing.

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Pijush Biswas

Pijush Biswas

Srirampur, Nadia, West Bengal, India
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