Twilight Poem by Edwin Hopper


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Novichok told Salisbury this might come.
But we didn't believe. We never believe.
It can't happen. The Ruskies aren't dumb.
We'll never perceive that we'll ever grieve.

I lounge. Cuppa char in an easy chair.
Watch rumours of war on TV.
Have another biscuit. Glad I'm not there.
I've consumer humour to see.

Rome had Christians and lions to cheer.
Then crooks hang alive on the Tyburn Tree.
Talkies and newsreels began to appear.
I watch guns bang alive on News TV.

A lady friend likes a bear hug and kiss.
Love, life, and holidays, have tanned her.
But doctors confirmed, something's amiss.
She must tell her kids she has cancer.

We pretend we don't see grief or stress.
Or wake lovers with midnight screams.
What are the fears that we dare not confess?
Do not ask for our Russian schemes.

Their money stains Londongrad launderette.
Our Parliament protects gangster rights.
Doom scroll fake truths on their internet.
Where ignorant armies clash by night.

We've no real enemies, just relax.
Our small cheap army can train on the plain.
That's a good business case. Time to cut tax.
We want foreign investment, not pain.

Did the beast in the east arrange Trump?
Did he weaken Europe with Brexit?
When fearful nations refused UK's jump?
Did he beat up Ukraine just to fix it?

Walk in our city, happy with sunshine.
Past parks safe for children to play.
Our beloved buildings grow great with time.
While old folk can stroll unafraid.

But. For all the peace and love I saw.
I think in the night. Wagner fans dream of war.

Edwin Hopper

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