Twisted Reflections: Barbie Doll Poem by Alexander Romanov

Twisted Reflections: Barbie Doll

In the depths of darkness, a twisted tale unfurls,
Barbie's corrupted form, where innocence curls.
Fingers trespass, a sinister game of lust,
Obscene whispers linger, shattering all trust.
A cute facade I wear, deceiving with a smile,
While your hysteria and venom beguile.
With felt-tip sticks, I draw a wicked design,
Creating a creature, beautiful, yet malign.

My baby, in hues of pink and blue you exist,
An abomination, a vile creation, I persist.
No red, but a bullet awaits its malevolent role,
A symbol of destruction, consuming the soul.
In the hollow of my chest, a provocative prize,
A revolver's seduction, where darkness lies.
Barbie, her legs spread wide, a perverse sight,
As red drops stain A4, a canvas of blight.

A stepladder placed, leaning against the wall,
A chilling escalation, your downfall enthrall.
Tightening the noose, constricting your breath,
Exposing your truth, a lesbian girl's depth.
Hush, you wretched creature, silence befalls,
For your fate grows grimmer within these walls.
I seek solace in your girlfriend's embrace,
To weep and find warmth, as darkness gives chase.

Hang! Hang! Beside the bookcase's cold embrace,
Knocking echoes, my sick heart's tormented space.
Oh, seductive and despicable, your allure,
A soulless being, a vile presence to endure.
Tears cascade, staining the pillow's lament,
As Barbie's legs part wider, a wicked descent.
Red drops drip on A4, a testament profound,
A haunting rhythm, darkness unbound.

In this somber retelling, where shadows dance,
The depths of depravity and malevolence enhance.
Weaving a tapestry of wickedness and pain,
Unveiling the darkness, where sanity wanes.
Let these words serve as a cautionary vow,
Of the wickedness that lurks within us now.
A chilling reminder, through these verses we creep,
Into a world where horror and darkness seep.

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