Two, Yet Only One! Poem by Dr John Celes

Two, Yet Only One!

This earth is one and human race is one!
God made us live an earthly life just once;
Each species has female and male portions;
They fuse in flesh to bring offspring on earth.

God created from Adam’s rib, his Eve!
Our first parents were parts of one same whole;
God made the male and female differently;
But, both are equal in the eyes of His.

Each sex has duties special to its class;
Both sexes have some common properties;
Though morphologically different,
They were created from the same earth’s soil!

The breath of God that entered Adam’s lungs,
Is just the same that dwells in Eve, as well;
God showed that humanity is just one;
What human eyes perceive is deception.

Although some innate differences stay,
God made each sex with purposes varied;
Both tend to go towards eternity,
By doing roles God-given properly!

When marriage consummates in children, then,
‘The two, yet only one’ – proved beyond doubt;
The better half is weaker not always;
The stronger man is weaker in some ways!

The union of sexes gives bond-strength;
The children born strengthen this love further;
And this is how, the human race goes on;
And till the earth remains this must be so.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 5-21-2008

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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