Ugly, Naked Truth Poem by Ellen Rose Guilaran

Ugly, Naked Truth

In all of the invisible smoke and fake mirrors
You saw the truth in me
Ugly, miserable, and uncomfortable
Something naked that no one has seen before

I am an insufferable soul
Whose tortured life can't make amends on its own
All I can offer is love, which I can give
And you are the one I, will suffer painless death

Since 7th hell and 7th heaven is with you
Do not choose me, out of convenience
A slow, monotonous life full of
unspectacular predictability
I am ever-changing balancing scales
I do not move mountains but I create havoc on them
And constantly weathering them that they get worn out

You are an ocean; full of secrets hidden deep
But I am powerful enough
I can split your being in half and look for what I am searching for

If your heart was a castle; I have delve deep into the throne room
Only a few could have
But I am proud I have achieved what no one else can
Past the moat, the first gate, the second gate, the castle entrance until I reached the heart of it

I've conquered you.
And I will keep it
Don't put in the me in the underground walls
When I want the authority of your heart

You're in a sphere of clouds
Rainbows and sunshine
Once it fades; flashing lights and candy canes
You'll see the scary truth
Whilst falling down an angel with no wings or crown

And you'll see, the nymph now the maiden you left
In the land of men, waiting for you to come back
But also to come home
Never ever lose yourself to the point of no return

'Have you lost yourself, or are you intact still? ', she asks
'Would you reject me if I told you I lost? ', said he
'You felt like you lost, but you never did.
Because you'll always have me, ' she replied
'but... if you come back into my arms, understand that I am an eternity you choose to be, not a temporary happiness.
So choose me, darling. As well as the hell and heaven that is with me.'

But if you ever walk away again, I am the promised land you can never have again.
For I am lost and out of touch and you'll
later realize when you're in the pit'

He stared at her, expressionistic but uncertain
Still waiting and biding time
And that is she.

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