Unanswered Prayers Poem by Kondwani Simwaba

Unanswered Prayers

Unanswered prayers
He speaks in words that are mightier than a Lion's roar; their force louder than a heavy thunder storm; feared by many, for before trials he still stands tall; those of little knowledge of him, think courage is his only norm, but!
In the night he has his knees to the ground, with fingers tucked into each other and a head held high; nothing is heard from this room, except the beat in his heart as it pounds and only his eyes remain shut as he speaks to the one mightier in hopes that his hopes are not hopeless, yet he hears nothing still from above.
With his pen, he transcribes everything he feels on a piece of paper; scribbling words with his tears when he runs out of ink; million questions remain unanswered and his pain to the bone goes even deeper; wait ‘till he speaks, for his complexity renders him a paradox unfathomable. See! Because only he, can understand the thoughts of those that underestimate him.
He stands before a broken Mirror or atleast that's what he thinks, because it doesn't depict him in his entirety; Unseen shades of grey as he hopes for greener pastures yet his scent remains further from a Mignonette; his prayers fall in the void because no one ever responds; down on his knees as he prays to a god that won't talk back, so watch as he goes off track, but those of little knowledge of him think, he has everything under control but be not deceived by the words oozing from the poets pen…

Unanswered Prayers
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