Unexpressed Emotions Poem by Allyson Gordon

Unexpressed Emotions

Rating: 5.0

Dad I want to tell you
How I feel inside
You have kept me imprisoned
All of my life

I’ve never spoken up
I’ve never said a word
About my feelings for you
I think it’s time you heard

I hate your guts so much
I can’t stand the sight of you
Not just from what you’ve done to me
But my brothers and sisters too

Every time I am around you
I wanna scream it in your face
I wish you would go,
Just leave without a trace

I can’t do this any more
I can’t watch those children being hurt
It’s like a knife in my chest
I think I’m gonna burst

Now I have depression
Guess how it began
Yes, it was you,
You selfish prick of a man

If only you knew,
You have no idea
What I’m planning to do
At the end of this year

I’m letting you know
What pain you’ve caused me over the years
So you know about all the suffering,
The heartache and the tears

I’ll say I never wanna see you
Don’t want to speak to you again
For the damage you’ve caused
You can never mend

I don’t want you in my life anymore
This I would rather
You may be a man,
But you are definitely not a father

Sarah John 29 August 2006

Wow.I liked it.It remined me of how much my sister hates my father

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