Unrose Poem by Molaire Jules


Remember this, Roses are commonly called "thorns."

been married, but now divorce.
Is destiny already written for her?
And for her to find her Next- destiny, Compatible to hers? ? ?
But your path is different.Never tied-the-knot.
No kids, No- major headaches.
Do one know, what That- person is going through? ? ?
How can one Fully know! ...
Got legally separated, after being together for Over 15-years! ...
Then shared, and cherish kids together.Had many memories! ...
And after time went by, maybe stuff- creep-up...and Up, and caused That- day, to come,
Which became A bitter end! ...

Going forward, after more than 3- years, Trying to renew one's spirit over again… How easy could that be? ? ? Does everything, and or maybe Every- male person reminds you of Him! ?
How he did you wrong. How the trust was broken. How he aggressively took the car, from under your foot, Dashing it right- under HIS! ... It No- Longer belongs to you, Both.

Even at times, you became Physically- sick, and alone! ...
No- real friends, that you can contact. But worst, the home that was once- yours, came up to Flames! ...
Now, no- husband, No- kids, No- happiness, but Homelessness.
Can you really trust again? are you completely Happy, or are you just Release from all the pains that was upon you, in A not- too happy home, trying to manage A household, and with an Autistic son, who, the day he was born, you don't remember ‘The Last time, that you Really Slept!
Stress, and distress, are Very- Likely! ... Can't Fully Comprehend HIS- Problems! ...
Aggression on BOTH- Sides, are possible.You get tired, weary, Stressed! ...
Trying to make-out why life came your way, that- way! ...
And A husband, who may not have been the BEST- Support! ... might-of made life A little more complicated…
Not fully understanding, himself.

And Now, this day, this Very- day, you find yourself Homeless, going through the motion, trying to get replaced, by the Human Services DEPT. but easier said, then done! ...
So after a few years, from shelter- to shelter. And at times sleeping out near the woods.
You have mix-feelings, about LIFE. It may still Not- be the BEST, But you are in A Stable- state of mind.
Living out with nature, hearing the birds sing, the first time ever.
And seeing insects, and animals, that you Never saw before. And once, in A Longest- time, you can even take A breath of Fresh- air! ... you somewhat feel Alive! Like actually feeling Alive for the first time, in the Longest- Time! ...

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