Up There In Horses Heaven Poem by Francis Duggan

Up There In Horses Heaven

Rating: 2.5

Up there in Horses Heaven the chill winds never blow
And nights are warm and much sunshine and lush the grasses grow
And Cheree the shetland pony the good life now enjoy
Up there in horses heaven somewhere beyond the sky.

It's mid Winter in Daylesford and the wind chill to the bone
And Rainbow Cheree's best horse friend without her feels alone
He neighs and begs for fodder as towards fodder shed he stare
Grass growth has ceased in Daylesford the paddock brown and bare.

That lonesome look that horses have when for a friend they grieve
And a horse too feels the pain of loss in case you don't believe
And animals are not so dumb as we make them out to be
They have five senses just like man and a good memory.

And Rainbow the shetland pony there's none so sad as he
In the bare brown paddock near Daylesford he pine for his Cheree
But she is in a better place where there is lush grass to bite
In land of plenty she now graze in beautiful sunlight.

The drought and hunger took it's toll on Cheree frail and old
And she's found happiness at last safe from hunger and cold
She rest by big tree in the shade her new life she enjoy
And Rainbow will join her one day in Land beyond the sky.

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