Want Bliss? Think About This Poem by Gaston Belanger

Want Bliss? Think About This

O how I wish there was a real good God
Helping us survive Earths bacterial sod

Ministering to all through sweet dreams
With an encouraging morality that gleams

Supplying a mortal frame that will not rot
Having hemoglobin that will not brain clot

Bones that bend rather than break in a fall
A body that can endure any reality all in all

This God won’t condone bacteria’s & viruses
He would be with us through any bad crises

The great God would not allow religious wars
He will not accept humans dying by the scores

Crime and corruption is not his mental making
Persons would be real in heart without faking

A real God needs not churches, clergy & prayer
If he did it right, we would treat each other fair

Using truth, beauty, goodness and loving service
A visible God can keep folks from being nervous

He must have a working universe administration
To detour big Meteorites from Earths devastation

His celestial workers could regulate the Suns heat
And stop the worlds wobble, keeping the orbit neat

I’m just a puny fragile skin & bones evolving mortal
And have the commonsense in seeing a better portal

Boiling reality down to a usable tangible conception
We’re that freewill choice person called God in action

Reality goes at the speed of choice, that's understood
Quality thoughts will evolve this world into the good

Gee I wish there was a really good God from everyone
Helping each other survive by tilling Earths sod for fun

We could actualize our sweet dreams through ministry
Our moral code would express a higher creative dynasty

Happiness and contentment would exemplify good health
Religions no longer create the poor, we would have wealth

Fear gossips, deity myths and stupid superstition expelled
We Earthling’s can enjoy life from good thoughts propelled

When all else fails write a poem
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