War Poem by Paul WilsonSuffield


Rating: 4.5

I took the shilling, I learned to serve
I drilled and drilled, built up my nerve.
Side by side we stood as one
Confident in the thought any job could be done.

I kissed my darling upon the head
I tucked up my children tight in bed.
I love my family my way of life
I would face all fears to protect my wife.

Now overseas in the heat, sun and sand
To help the tortured in this torrid land.
We stand in a line to protect the weak
But no uniforms are worn by the ones we seek.

The people shout and calls us names
We find politicians playing games.
The reasons we came are fading fast
Our families faces a memory of the past.

I look at the picture of my friends and I
And pray to God I’m not next to die.
Please tell me I’m right, please make me strong
Make me believe this war is not wrong.

The sun is rising as the night fades fast
Do not let this day be my last.
Let me live to leave with a cheer
And my children’s voices once again to hear.

Thousands surround me yet I’m so alone
My only thought is one of home.
Show me the reasons I’m here are still true
Would I still be here if I were you.

Joseph Poewhit 17 June 2010

Praying to GOD - one could never find a better ally

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