What Cost Your Time? Poem by Paul WilsonSuffield

What Cost Your Time?

Bloody kids never listen, they do what they like
I gave them an Ipod, and even a bike.
I do what can, I give all I can afford
What do you do? they just say I’m bored.
Out with their friends brought back by the law.
For keying cars, or kicking in doors.
Grounded for weeks, they just text on their phone
Still causing trouble, I need to be alone.

Mum can we talk, can we just have a chat?
Nothing important, Just this and that.
I don’t want to be bad, I would love to be good
I need someone to look up to, an example of motherhood
I would love to be with you, discuss the events of the day
To be treated as human, you just push me away.
Why don’t you notice? I feel really sad.
I don’t want new things, I just want to be glad.

Glad that you love me, or glad that you care
Enough to be with me, or your time to share.
When I have kids, no toys will they get.
Just baking, walks n talks, on that you can bet.
I want to be with them, for each hurdle they face
Guide them through life at a steady pace.
Be the one they turn to in times of trouble.
To give what I miss now, a mothers cuddle.

You see it doesn’t take much to provide all you can
We are not talking things, you just have to plan.
Plan to help me when I return form school
Or my birthday party you play the fool.
When facing puberty or acne and my hearts does sink
You turn to me, instead of the drink.
The road is not easy but my hearts on the line.
The answer is simple, just give me your time.

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