We'Re All Unique Poem by No Reason To Care

We'Re All Unique

Rating: 5.0

we can't see because were blinded,
blinded by the darkness that was once called light,
even though we stay in the battle,
we've accepted we lost the fight,

we look at things as problems
not a solution in the lot,
even if it's cold as ice
we look at it as hot

we see the things in a different way,
because the lights gone dead,
so people prey and hope,
and listen to the words Jesus said

some may believe
and others say there's no way
sense it seems pointless to grieve
we accept what they say

I may be one
or even the other
but this I know is true
we all see differently
no ones the same
there different threw and threw

some may be twins but they are still unique
some have deformities
but they may not be a freak

some may act nice
some act mean
people aren't always what they seem
were all unique in our own way
because some see night
and some see day

we look at things differently
no one sees the same as me
I may see blue
you may see black
I may step forward you may step back
my point in this is we're all unique
and we may not get the answers that we seek

Gold Fish 15 October 2009

There is a great deal of truth in what you say for no two people are alike in every way. We are all unique both physically and psychologically, and our views on the world are slightly different, too. Unique, indeed. Thanks for sharing this wonderful poem. 10+

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