Weird & Wonderful Pets Poem by Sheena Blackhall

Weird & Wonderful Pets

William Cowper took three hares to own
As pets, although the eldest liked to bite
They healed him when his nervous state broke down
Along Parisienne paths: a stunning sight
Gérard de Nerval, on a blue silk lead
Walked his pet lobster, by the pansies bright
Lucius Crassius, a strange man indeed
Favoured a Moray eel, fed it on slaves
For human dainties were its daily feed
Lord Byron like to stir up social waves
With his amigo, a great lumbering bear
For this is how a mad, bad, bard behaves

Salvador Dali walked with his ant eater
Shahad al-Jaber, kisses her pet cheetah

Michael Jackson housed a chimpanzee
While Nero's favourite was the tigress, Phoebe
Anne Boleyn kept a lapdog on her knee
(today, designer pets are bought on e-bay)
An orang-utan lived with Josephine
Napoleon's wife, she served it on a tray
John Quincy Adams caused his guests to scream
For in the bath he homed an alligator
And you can picture, if you will, the scene
When a guest left-or did she- did he eat her?
King Elvis Presley's pet, a kangaroo
Played nicely as an act in the theatre

A pet to play with, love, or reverence
Fin, feather, fur: say, what's your preference?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: pets
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