What A Tragedy Poem by Christen Kuikoua

What A Tragedy

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Of what Importance is money
In a Disastrous World,
What is the point of being rich?
to live all lonely and be sad
What is the point of building a mansion?
to show Power & Wealth while your life is a misery
What is the point of having a million cars?
if you can drive one at a time
Why is the point of using social media?
counting your likes & views
why you lack personality and confidence
always in need of human approval
to know your perfect the way you are

As you ask yourself this question:
You become to question life
Why are the rich the most miserable?
Not to be rude, but it looks like a fact
Why has money taken away dignity?
Why has corruption taken away righteousness?
Has our world fallen
Or is it the fruit of ignorance?
we kill for money & betray for couple of coins
We have become judas,
for a couple of coins, betray Jesus

What education do you teach us children?
what roots are you planting in us?
The roots of corruption and trickery
I get it. You got bills to pay,
but is worth the sacrifice.
is the bills more important
than the generation you're living behind?
if you say yes then,
my prayer for you is let your eyes be open

Because I am sick and tire
Tire of seeing children's life destroy
due to the mistake committed by their parents
Tire because wealth has removed joy from homes
Tire because our self approval
has to come from
the likes we get on Instagram or Twitter
Tire because our new love is corruption,
Spreading rumors is now our hobbies
yeah, that the new world we live in,
where money can buy love

What a tragedy,
humanity's progression & over knowing
has caused some of us more pain than good
It led us to lose our senses
Oh, my soul weeps & grieve
But scream to see the new rising ray
that will shine like a million sun

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