What A Wonderful World! Poem by Sossi Khachadourian

What A Wonderful World!

Rating: 5.0

What a worderful world,
Why to kill!
Why to destroy!
I can feel the air Running through my hair,
Touching my cheeks,
Slipping down to kiss my lips,
I enjoy It's rhythmic steps over my skin, Than it takes a bit of rest inside my soul,
To continue twisting
once right,
once left,
Ah crazy air murmuring sweet love words,

What a worderful world,
Why to kill!
Why to destroy!
Glad for being alive!
Glad for having the grace of mercy inside my heart,
The blessing of sensitivity that makes me a real man.
To feel all these beauty around,
Ah God i'm charmed!

What a worderful world,
Why to kill!
Why to destroy!
Lucky to sight and feel the green,
Lucky to feel rain's romance and tear,
To cry when my fellow man is in pain and fear,
To talk with trees,
To chase colorful rainbows,
To kiss those shiny stars,
To hug the smiley sun,
To shoot the moon,
To play with the wind.

What a worderful world,
Why to kill!
Why to destroy!
If I could keep myself from falling sleep a lifetime
I would forever stay amake,
To Feel and live every single moment's beauty and sigh!

What a wonderful world,
Why to kill!
Why to destroy!
People stop those nasty wars!
Stop killing innocent people just because of feeding your miserable never-ending greed!
Let's make the dream real,
Let's make the world all humanities peaceful home!

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