What Are The Wages Of Labour Journey Poem by Muhammad Shanazar

What Are The Wages Of Labour Journey

My so-called friends you dawdle
Having in hands,
Khaiwat, Khasra, Latha and Gardawari,
Your Jareeb is not long enough to measure,
The length two farms which my father
Tilled walking and walking behind yokes of oxen,
Placing his hands on the handle of plough,
The same hands harder than stones.

Walking and walking behind yokes of oxen,
He measured more than half of the world,
But you would not sense gashing pain
Of his lacerated heels.
My mother too while bringing on the farms,
Lasi and bread, and carrying bundles of grass,
Got her feet worn out, got her neck twisted.

While measuring, totaling these two farms
The Jareeb of my and your breath would finish
But the labour-journey of my father
In ten vegas of land would not cease.

Khaiwat: A unit of land comprising on khatoonies, Khasras, smaller units.
Latha: A map of lands prepared by Revenue Department on white cotton cloth.
Jareeb: a measurement comprising on ten pieces of chains each is called Karam, and one Karam is equal to 5.5 feet.
Gardawari: Official record of ownership of lands prepared after four years.
Vega: A piece of land measuring four kanal.

Written By Qayyum Tahir
Translated By Muhammad Shanazar

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