What Are Words? Poem by Susan Basile

What Are Words?

Words mean nothing to me.
Words are just something
poeple use
to avoid the truth,
or to lie,
decieve, and abuse others.
It's not right,
how you can get
so messed up, just by one
persons words.

Words are the most
deadliest thing in this world.
People using them to get by,
and have others acctually
believe them.
I can't believe,
or trust anyone.
Hearing someone say
I love you,
to their
significant other,
and knowing they don't mean it.

That's all I hear,
I love you,
you mean everything to me,
It is all lies.
If they meant it,
they would not hurt me
the way they do.
The thing they are best at
isn't even lying,
it is using people
to their advantage,
and in the end
making them feel
like they are not worthy of anything,
making them feel as if they aren't wanted.

Peope being lied to day after day,
it makes me sick.
I know how these people feel.
I know what it feels like to believe
someone when they say I love you,
and be decieved by that same one the following day.
It hurts, it really does.
It makes me feel empty inside,
like I have no soul.

Words are just words.
Don't speak to me,
don't look at me,
don't ask me for help and then
leave me on the side of the street
when your done with me.

So now I ask,
what are words?

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