What Could She Hide? Poem by Katrina Lusk

What Could She Hide?

She walks through the hallway,
holding her wrists.
Hoping and praying,
no one will see her like this.
He looks at her,
scared of what he will find.
He never thought,
she had those things in mind.
Or just how much she held inside.
She was always smiling,
what could she hide?
As she looks up at him,
he asks her "… are there anymore? "
Looking at him with tears in her eyes,
she whispers a small reply.
"Ever wonder what bracelets are for? "
Taking it all in he asks her "why? "
With tear streamed cheeks she whispers,
"I don't want to die."
For this is what her lover learned;
she cuts herself…
Never too deep and never enough to die.
But just enough to feel the pain,
to release what she has bottled up inside.

I wrote this poem in February when it seemed to me like my life was in a rough patch. I felt as if I had no one to talk to, and I just stayed in my room alone with all of these deep thoughts constantly going through my head. When my boyfriend saw the marks, it was then that I was forced to make a huge decision. To either continue cutting and lose all of his trust and possibly him, or to stop completely and slowly gain the rest of his trust back and keep him in my life. It was not easy but with God there to give me strength I quit. Along the way it has made me a better person and my relationship a stronger one. I just want those of you who feel you're alone to rethink what just went through your head... The truth is just look around you, in your life you'll be surprised to see just how many people really do care about you and would do anything for you. Just thank God for all he has done in your life no matter good or bad, either way he's making you a better person even right now as you read this.
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