What Makes A Friend? Poem by Ashley Olson

What Makes A Friend?

Rating: 2.9

A friend
What makes a friend?
A friend
Is someone that everyone needs
A friend
Is that special one
A friend
Is someone you tell EVERYTHING
A friend
Is someone you never lie to
A friend
Can be a boy or a girl
A friend
Is someone that is always their
A friend
Will always listen to you
A friend
Always has input to give
A friend
Will never leave you in the dust
A friend
Will help you through the thick and the thin
A friend
Will always stand by your side
A friend
Will never let you down
A friend
Is someone everyone needs
What would you do if you didnt have a friend?

What Makes A Friend?
Caitlin 14 February 2018

I Love this poem Ashley Olson is a great poet

8 6 Reply
ALONDRA 23 February 2018

I used this poem for poetry and prose

9 5 Reply
Kriya 31 January 2018

A really great work by the poet👏🏻👍🏻😻

6 5 Reply

A compelling composition that is loaded with elements of true friendship. Well done my friend!

7 3 Reply
Emily Pearl 19 June 2006

'their' do you mean 'there.' I think you might. Brilliant poem Ashley. I have a friend like that too. Emily XXX

6 3 Reply
Mya Garber 06 April 2024

I reallly like this poem it makes me feel good to now that my friends that I have is very good thank you so very much for that.

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Amarachi Okoro 26 December 2020

Wow. Simple and powerful 😍.

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sarge 29 April 2020

great poem so meaningful

1 1 Reply
Chinedu Dike 21 October 2019

Well thoughts and feelings. An insightful creation...........................................................................

3 2 Reply
A B Faniki 25 July 2019

Nice rythm and heartfelt. We all need a friend someone to share our good and bad moment with us.

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