When Poem by Francis Duggan


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When I feel tired old and wrinkled, when I feel beaten by life
Will you still love me and want me will you always be my wife
Will your love for me remain strong and not feel weakened by time?
Some times love loses it's passion most loves they die in their prime.

When I am quite old and feeble will you tell me I love you?
That love is at it's best in life's prime years is not always necessary true
Sometimes love it can grow stronger and stronger as the years go by
Soul mates are in love in their eighties and in love till the day that they die.

When I will be in my eighties near the end of my life span
Will you still love me like you did when I was a younger man
Or will you then love some one younger see me as too feeble and old?
Love that once glowed warm with passion has been known to die and grow cold.

When I am at my use by date feeble with a walking cane
Stiffened, stooped, tired and wrinkled and suffering from arthritic pain
Will you still want me and need me and love me as if I were in my prime?
Since there is no greater type of love than love that stands the test of time.

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