When A Virus (Covid-19)takes Us By Surprise… Poem by Dr John Celes

When A Virus (Covid-19)takes Us By Surprise…

When things go awry, heart, we lose!
One virus spells not doomsday, man;
On earth, most things, we only choose;
With Nature, God, don't play, human!

The Science we trust is foolproof not;
Our faith in God must never cease;
When in a maze, we're often caught,
We should not lose our heart's, mind's peace.

Our life on earth will have much strife;
Our ken and confidence are prime;
Yet, priceless is each human life;
Awaits no man, both tide and time.

We live amidst all kinds of germs;
From foes, malign, God only saves;
when dead, we are just fit for worms;
Should we disturb the bats in caves?

Be scientific, if you can be;
But Nature has its final say;
Our body has immunity,
With boundaries that change each day.

Don't test the human body, mind
By tests that have their pitfalls much;
Align with Nature - then you find,
The blessings, and God's magic touch.

Let's take the blame when things go wrong;
Things gone amiss awaken us;
We dance to Nature's tune and song;
The unexpected is no curse.

What's tough today will ease out soon;
Co-operation is the key;
The sun will shine and so will moon;
Some price we pay for faults as fee.

To save more lives, with lives, we pay;
No diffidence should come en way;
United we must pass each day;
With Nature, God, we dare not play.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 19-03-2020

When A Virus (Covid-19)takes Us By Surprise…
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: natural disasters
Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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