Where Has My Love Gone? Poem by Richard Sockett

Where Has My Love Gone?

I'm feeling so alone since the love of my life threw me out
She said she was scared, she does not like to hear me shout
The emptiness inside is like a knife in my heart that cuts so deep
Hurt feelings and emotions invade my mind, sometimes its hard to sleep
Exercise and work they say will stop me from feeling blue
Raw pain, loss and guilt are my constant companions but nobody has a clue
Each time I'm asked if I'm okay I just try to smile and say I'm fine
All I really want to do is curl up and get drunk on beer and wine
No amount of time will heal my heart that's broken
You just learn to live your life from day to day while words of love are left unspoken
The ones I love more than life itself have been cruelly snatched away
Holding them tight in a loving embrace is what I wish for while
watching daffodils sway
Inside my mind is like a whirlwind of an emotional storm
Negativity and positivity compete in equal measure, its just so hard
to be on top form
God has a plan for my life so I'm leaving it all up to him
Worship and praise go some way in filling my cup of happiness to the brim
Every minute of the day I long to make things better
Companionship is what I crave as I try to write my love a poetic letter
Anger is such a dangerous emotion if you let it boil over into rage
Never let it get that far, resolve your issues before you reach this final stage
Divorce is not an option because I love my wife too much
Openness and reconciliation is the key plus a gentle touch
Toby, Emma, Jasmine, Joe and Ben are the living proof of the love we shared together
Oh how I long for the day when I can come back home and stay with you forever
Moments spent with the kids are so precious to me now
And if I can jump through hoops to be a better dad, just let me know and show me how
Kindness, patience and understanding will now be on display for all to see
Every day I spend with them will fill both our hearts with glee
Times good and times bad I have always been by your side
Hope springs eternal when I'm accepted back into your life, loving arms open wide
Ideally I would like more respect and support from my children and my wife
Now I hope we can rebuild and get back to a happy and peaceful life
Great turmoil I have felt when we have been apart
Still I seek to repair and mend my lonely aching heart
Both of us know deep down inside that we can work this out
Eventually we will look back on this and realise love is what its all about
Tender loving care is the only thing I know how to give
Total commitment to you and the kids gives me a reason to live
Eternal friendship and undying love are things you can get from me
Rachel, what I'm trying to say is my love for you is plain for all to see

I am currently going through a difficult separation from my wife of 16 years, my 5 children and my pets, I cannot return to the family home until January 2014
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