While You Sleep Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

While You Sleep

do you understand
the one who gives the commands
and rules all the lands
total power in his hands
controls jew and freemason
there is only one
great serpent under the sun
me lord grand dragon
inner temple minions
conspire in their millions
yet the common man
does not know his government
is just a hoax scam
hidden in darkness they reign
for terror never be blamed
always shunning fame
they partake in their great game
you their gravy train
for they milk us like a cow
to their vice you must kow tow
even above king
they sit on thrones o' stirling
taxes all must bring
demons drink o' babies blood
sacrifice them to their god
while the peasants sleep
amongst them they do creep
masses just like sheep
unaware of the evil
o' monsters despicable
good state undermine
for they are organized crime
will you wake in time
the snake extends round the globe
a wicked web they have wove
hiding in plain sight
open your eyes if you might
see that I am right
oppressed by unholy rome
English kingdom they have stole
there they made their den
lords over all men

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