Whispers Of Innocence Poem by Dr Shamim Ali

Whispers Of Innocence

In days of old, when life was new,
A chapter of joy, a dream come true,
A time of wonders, pure and wild,
When I cradled my children, my precious child.

Their tiny hands, so soft and small,
Their laughter echoed through the hall,
In every cuddle, every kiss,
I found a love that was pure bliss.

Their giggles filled the air with glee,
As they danced around so merrily,
In their innocent eyes, I saw a world,
A future bright, like flags unfurled.

Together we'd explore each day,
In their innocence, I found my way,
Through fields of joy and meadows green,
A bond unbroken, a love unseen.

But like the seasons, time moved fast,
And childhood days could never last,
My little ones, now tall and strong,
Grew up, and life began to change its song.

No longer babes upon my knee,
Their worlds expanded, wild and free,
As they stepped into the world outside,
A tearful joy, my heart could not hide.

Their hugs became a little rare,
And yet, their love was always there,
For though they've grown and flown away,
In my heart, they forever stay.

The memories of that cherished phase,
The love we shared in countless ways,
They still reside within my soul,
A treasure trove that keeps me whole.

Though they've grown and found their wings,
I cherish the joy that motherhood brings,
For in those years, my heart found art,
And I'm forever grateful for that start.

So here's to that time, when they were small,
When I held them close, and love stood tall,
A chapter of life that forever will be,
The best of times, when they were with m

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