I was not born till my day, and knew not where I'd been,
Yet, even now ne'er to unravel the mystery of HIS Omnipresence,
One among the specks of sea sand I lie with tiny head,
Hearing unceasing moans of my fellow-specks,
Who stroll in their filthy minds breaking themselves into ‘Big Bang':
‘Man is a dust, and out came species of life,
Galaxies and milky ways evolved out of ‘Big Bang',
Times Machines take us into past to future thro' present,
We're gods to guard ourselves with our material dynasty,
Let's be the emperors of the universe and write ‘new' books.'
Hearing these foolish moans, I laugh myself with tears.
The Truth of the Word is God hath created all,
And this world is one of HIS handiworks to live,
HIS awesome Omnipotence is beyond man's intelligence.
Where from hath HE come? Where hath HE been? Who knows HIM?
HE is the Mystery of mysteries. The UNSEEN SPIRIT exists beyond time,
And who knoweth HIM with human knowledge?
He's Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient,
He hath no father, no mother, but hath children in spirit,
And we're made HIS children if baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ,
For God is in the Lord and the Lord is in HIM,
And HE is I AM WHO I AM, the NAME of God and Jesus Christ.
"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given,
And the Government will be on HIS shoulders.
And HE will be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Jesus was the Child and is Son, the Image of God,
"For God so loved the world (humanity) ,
That HE gave HIS only begotten Son,
That whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish
But have Everlasting Life in HIM, the Son."
"He that hath seen ME hath seen the Father"
"…. I am in the Father, and the Father in Me."
HE hath been the Seed quoted in Genesis3: 15:
"And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel."
And here "you" is Satan in disguise,
And "Offspring" is the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who is I AM in human flesh to save mankind from darkness,
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,
And God's revealed in Jesus, Who died for us all.
"Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:
Yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God,
And afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions;
He was bruised for our iniquities:
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him;
And with His stripes we are healed."
And Jesus Himself says: "No man taketh My life from me
But I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down,
And I have power to take it again"
And the Truth is God in Jesus is Almighty,
And He is the Eternal Saviour in Christ Jesus.
He is the Spiritual Rock that followed the Israelites,
And that Rock was Christ, the Chief Cornerstone of His church.
He is the Priest after the order of Melchizedek,
Who is without father or mother or genealogy;
He has neither beginning nor end of life,
And he continues a priest forever.'
Jesus is the Lamb of God promised for fallen mankind.
He is the Word of God manifested in flesh,
And He is the Light of Eternal Life to shine,
And the ONLY WAY to Eternity for mankind,
For No other name given for salvation except Jesus.
He's the One Who shed His Blood for mankind,
And Satan hath been defeated by His Death,
And His Resurrection is the Only Hope for mankind.
He's God in Christ, the Image of the Invisible God,
Who is the Father of mankind through Jesus,
Who is yesterday, today and forever,
And He's the Only Bridge ‘twixt Heaven and Mankind,
Jesus is the Son of God and the First Brother for mankind,
He's the King of kings, and His Righteousness stands ever,
He loveth mankind, but the Eternal Judge,
Who will divide the saved souls and the sinners.
Forsaken by the Father for our sins, He died on Cross,
And it is God's Eternal Plan that God Himself designed.
God is Spirit and invisible to our mortal eyes,
And He Himself made visible in Jesus Christ,
For no man hath seen God at any time;
But the only begotten Son in His Bosom
Hath revealed the Father to mankind.
He became poor that we are made rich in Him,
And His Kingdom is not of this world, but of Heaven.
Jesus is the Creator of everything and Saviour of mankind,
And He is the Only God manifested in flesh for mankind.
Everyone is born; I too was born with worldly knowledge,
Clouds of worldliness hid me till the touch of the Heavenly Light.
God of Light opened my eyes and let me read His Word:
His Word is the Only Truth revealed in Jesus for mankind.
Let this world stroll in unfruitful theories and principles,
But the Way unto Eternity hath been revealed only in HiS Word.
The world is led by Satan who is the defeated enemy of God.
The Love of God is in Jesus Christ Who is the Judge of all.
Let's search the Word and keep our belief in Him,
And He will change as His children of innocence,
And we will become His children of Light ever in Jesus.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
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