Who Stands With Me? Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Who Stands With Me?

True poets write in meter.
Not because they think it’s neater
but because the flow is sweeter
When their words are read aloud
as they perform before the crowd.
Their poems pass the acid test.

Prose writers do not choose to rhyme.
They see it as a waste of time.
Although their word choice is sublime.
Without meter it is prose,
not poetry as they suppose.
Their definition I contest.

Poetic prose it’s plain to see.
Can not be classed as poetry.
I can accept you disagree.
I know I have a biased view
I think I am entitled to
Decide which one I like the best.

I choose meter every time
Preferably with lines that rhyme.
I find such poetry sublime.
Though I enjoy well written prose.
Each to his own I must suppose
So write the way that suits you best.

I am old fashioned I admit
and not one whit ashamed of it.
I do not find rules inhibit.
Free expression of my views
They merely mean I have to choose
the words that will express them best

Free form, free verse, poetic prose.
Are methods other writers chose
as being fit for their purpose.
To rebel against fixed form.
Which was regarded as the norm.
Just to be different from the rest.

But fashions change and now free form
Must be regarded as the norm.
I see no reason to conform.
I choose to write my poetry
In the old way that pleases me.
A lonely voice raised in protest.

The wheel of fate will slowly turn
Metered poetry will return
and well deserved plaudits earn.
I hope I live to see the day.
when classic poets can display.
That fixed forms can outshine the rest.

Monday,06 December 2010
http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

Sidi Mahtrow 07 December 2010

Do I agree? Well, not quite For you see in spite Of the difference that makes Some dabble in meter for old times sake (s) The reason that I like to rhyme Is that it actually saves some time. For when I am trying to get something said It's not easy to get thoughts arranged in my head, So I try a set of words to express The idea best. Then reject those that just don't fit And put together all the rest of it. When it's done, I'm not so sure That the poetry's pure But for this moment of time It'll have to do in this attempt at rhyme. s

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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