Why is it this way when I have errands to run...?
I am alone without family to get the job done...
Not that I don't appreciate you and all you try to do...
It's just from my angle I don't quite understand your view...
Granted we aren't perfect and we've yet to make our share of mistakes,
But that's not all it takes...
For as it is written in the Bible 'Family is to yolk together in good and bad times, too...'
So, when and where have you done what you were put here to do...
You were supposed to embrace us as a couple and a family...
Yet 90 % of the time you have not been there for me...
What I'd love to know is why is it this way...?
If we are a normal healthy family thriving today.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem