Win My Glass Poem by Isaac Yaw Osei

Win My Glass

And sometimes, when those who are sad are drinking
And those who are grieved are joining
And chief-who-is-who tour drinking or joining…
Whatever! Whichever! Youever!
I raised the glass, played it safe to chain the heart
And to play it again should be much safer.
Yes goes it with my moderation to a little a times
Come prepared, a foundation of solid on the ground
Firm as courage to take this much to not that much
Fools, oh, some fools are everywhere
And I'm number one not drunk but
I'm not stable with my walk my mind.
If they should look, they seesaw
And should look and say
One, be drunk and stay
That makes life for both
You and the drink.
Two, if you take in anyT
And start feeling anything
Don't think you're all right.
Might have taken untaken
Three, be guided by instinct
Or inscription as your instruction
To save something worst
Such as all which are not tagged
In your day of wine tasting

Well, tell whoever I am
Sometimes you want it like I want it
Sometimes you can have it like I have it
You can have it and you can't have it
Sometimes you don't have it
And sometimes we should have it
If I have it when you don't have
And if you have it when I don't have it
Or where we should have it but we can't have it
So we don't have it as defined by all the circumstances
We know we will… sometimes, someday, somewhere
But not all the times.

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