Wind Chimes & Dead Girl Rhymes Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Wind Chimes & Dead Girl Rhymes

This agonizing mess from this test
Causes such revolt and such distress
Want to swim in overused cliches,
Like, 'I swear I'll do my best! '
The more I gain, it's really less
Filled with apprehension
And so much tension
Sittin' on this lonely bench, and,
trying to figure out
When this all began and,
what the prophecy is all about!

Need an Aquarius to sway the crowds;
no longer about me, now.
Since birth, I've been cursed with it
Elevated from bad to worse, it did.
I didn't know how I knew what was needed
I knew there was more
I knew I was born
A giant task, it was in store

I was worried if I spoke of it
I'd sound crazy
So wounded, so tortured
Admit I was lazy
Yeah, those monsters almost made me
A wretched human; even I would hate me!
But now I know they had to stake me
And I know they had to rape me
Take and take and take from me

Push me to the limit
My light, I thought they dimmed it
But I had to be strong enough not to quit it
When it came time to take that hit from it

To shake those oh-so-dead, dead-girl chimes
And, crazily scream those sad-girl rhymes!

I just hope you get the message.

© copyright 2019-2024 Wind Chimes & Dead-Girl Rhymes

Friday, July 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: death,evil,supernatural
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