Wings Of White Stallions Poem by Josie Sebille

Wings Of White Stallions

I wait for the daylight to take me,
Swiftly, gently, on wings of white stallions
I have no longing for this life
The jewels in this world have lost their lustre

I invited you to stay a while in the garden of my heart
But you lingered too long and your strength and beauty
Made everything wither and dye in comparison

Now you stand defiant in my just beating heart
The only real love I will ever know
If this is love, this feeling in the pit of my stomach
In every ache in my bones, I don't want it

Rip my heart from my chest
So that I can wander this world
In the blackness of indifference

But, my soul is tied to yours on a tendril
An like leaves on an autumn breeze
I try to follow you, I can't
And I am torn and broken

We are not destined to be in this lifetime
If only our souls were entwined to fly as one
As somthing beautiful to behold, but no

My only saving grace is that our souls find each other
Each and every lifetime, and in the next
We will be so strongly drawn to one another
Neither will be able to survive without the other

Like the air that I breathe
Our love will be so effortless
So completly neccessary

But for now I lay still, waiting for the beating of wings
To carry me to my destiny, my next chance as somthing
So brilliant it will stand the test of time and space
And if that destiny be death, then let me wake in your arms

For that is my heaven....

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