Woman...The Earthmother Poem by Arti Chopra

Woman...The Earthmother

Nine months in your womb,
waiting to emerge,
lulled to sleep by
the music of your heartbeat,
I slept and awoke
with you,
I cried and laughed with you,
an eternal lullaby,
the music of your heartbeat,
and then it was time,
natures design,
I was born,
into this world,
cradled in your arms
nourished by your breast,
nurtured by your love
my very personna,
fashioned by your genes,
enhanced by your pride in me,
I grew,
I languished in the warmth of your love
I learnt to be a woman of letters
always encouraged by your guiding hand
your gentle reprimand,
when my steps faltered
and I corrected myself,
today I am a woman,
confidant, proud,
aware of my strength,
revelling in the glory,
of my uniqueness
Only I can give birth,
only I can bring fruitition,
to the process of creation,
a new life,
a new destiny,
a new soul,
but alas,
who is the one who dishonours me?
shames me, blames me?
abuses me, and uses me?
only men.....
to who I give birth.....
men who I mother,
men who I care for,
who I am a companion to,
who I m a friend to,
who I am a wife to,
for who I live,
and die,
for who I earn,
perhaps it will change
perhaps it will be better,
a new hope,
a new dawn,
of a better earth,
a better life
for a woman,
the mother
the sister,
the wife
the soulmate
and it will be
as it was meant to be
living in perfect unity
in a natural harmony
a beautiful symhony,
of two people
each complementing the other
we must never forget
always respect
the woman,
the giver,
the nurturer,
the earthmother.

Gajanan Mishra 05 August 2013

we should committed to earth mother, good write, thanks.

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