World Health Day Poem by Dr.Balnarayana Bandam

World Health Day

Health is a condition of body and mind
Where the body is healthy, fresh is the mind
For good health, hygiene is the way of option
Hygiene include cleanliness and sanitation
Purity is the central part of hygiene
The cleanness of body, clothes, house, and environs
Daily bath, neat clothes, exercise
Energetic food keeps mind cool and comfort
Lord Sri Krishna showed the same in Geetha
About the way of life to lead and food to consume
And the way one to live with peace and harmony
No need of one to be isolated and to become a saint
Is sort of living with a family with a sense of saint
The one not envious, kind and friend of all living
Free from a false ego, equal in both happiness and distress
Always satisfied and serving without motto selfish
Worshiping the lord, learned and spiritual masters
Superiors like mother and father, purity, simplicity
Celibacy, non-violence is austerities of the body
Honestly, and beneficially speaking and, avoiding
Speech that offends others, the study of Vedas
Habitually is the austerity of speech
Serenity, simplicity, gravity, self-control, and purity of thought
Are austerities of mind for better health?
Foods the mode of goodness raise the life span
Giving strength, health, happiness, and satisfaction
Food like nourishing is sweet, juicy, fattening and palatable
Grub that is bitter, too sour, salty, pungent, dry and hot
Are the causes of pain, distress, and disease?
Food cooked before more than three hours, eating
Are tasteless, stale, putrid, decomposed and unclean are
For the mode of unawareness and lead to ill health
Fearlessness, purification, cultivation spiritual knowledge
Charity, self-control, performance sacrifice, the study of Vedas
Austerity and simplicity, non-violence, truthfulness
Anger free, renunciation tranquillity, aversion to fault finding,
Compassion and freedom from covetousness, gentleness
Modesty, and steady determination, vigor, forgiveness
Fortitude, cleanliness, freedom from envy, and passion for honor,
As the way life changes the way nature, react
Better is living with guidelines to be healthy
Either at food or clothes, in the house or surround
Let there be health to all let there be happy to all
Where it is unclean and dirty tempts germs to grow
If it in premises and house, lead human to suffer from the disease
Be clean and neat and let others be orderly
With best wishes to all on the mother earth

Monday, April 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: greetings
Poem/ greetings about world health day
Dr.Balnarayana Bandam

Dr.Balnarayana Bandam

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