World Of Talents Poem by Doreenda Nikoi Kotei

World Of Talents

World of Talents

The world is full of great talents,
Every day, every night, we enjoy these exceptional gifts.
In athletics, sports, movies, music, hospitality, construction, production, governance, leadership, designing, writing, ministry, education, research, computing, artistry, speeches and so much more!
Everyone came into this world with a unique talent,
But until it is developed, it will remain lying silently inside us,
Trust me, it's not an easy road to take but with an unwavering determination, unstoppable endurance and a strong positive mindset to build your talents and wow the world.
World renowned personalities like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, John Wesley, Kofi Annan, Queen Elizabeth, John Osteen, Ama Ata Aidoo, Micheal Jackson, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates, Lucky Dube, Opera Winfrey, Lionel Messi, Lionel Richie, Chris Oyakilome, Barack Obama, Christiano Ronaldo, Leonardo da Vinci, Sinach, Disney World, KFC, Amazon, Davido, Charles Kwadwo Fosu, Abedi Pele, Usain Bolt, Serena Williams, Eddie Murphy and many outstanding people!
These had the vision to leave their names behind, make the world a better place and their memories still linger on.
What made them difference? Talents!

People stand up, cheer, applaud, celebrate and reward greatness.
While you're fast asleep, someone is out there training, practicing and thinking ahead,
While you're in there sitting idle and criticising others, some are making time to the laboratory, studio, workshop, training grounds, library and at the corner of their rooms practicing, practicing and practicing!
While you're out there feeling all depressed and wanting to end it all, some are consciously picking themselves up and trying again and again regardless of their defeats and failures!
Whatever your heart and mind inspire you to do, that is the driving force behind your success. You have to be intentional, vibrant and vigorous in your efforts.
Nothing great comes easy but where there is a will, there is a way!
You have to sacrifice your 24/7 as the price to pay for the gold medal.
It doesn't matter where you are now: whether you are in the prison or at the palace,
Neither does it matter what you've been through: whether you're a professor or school drop-out.
None of that matters than what's inside of you.
Others went through hell on earth but still carved their indelible footprints behind!
Learn and keep learning,
For it is never too late to unleash your potential,
You have all you need to get to the top: it is in your heart, your mind and in your hands. Be focused, creative and crazy with your talents,
Take one step at the time and don't give up!
Never quit! Keep pursuing till your achieve that one thing that will get the whole wide world giving you a standing ovation, a resounding applause, desiring to be like you and cheering you on, on and on.


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