World Wide Poetry Websites! Poem by Ramesh T A

World Wide Poetry Websites!

Rating: 4.5

Where and when does poetry come to the rescue of many ever?
When there is no chance to share some significant ideas due to
Lack of time, opportunity and listening person, writing down on
A diary in some form is the only way and there poetry helps best!

My poetic career has started like that at first and the collection of
Such ideas have become poems and those poems have become
Books with ideas preserved for the present and posterity making
Them into treasures as time went on appearing on websites later!

Many poems like drops of rain making into floods have inundated
Many pages of diaries turning into poetry books like the many
Storeyed buildings with foundation of great ideas as their base
For the reading pleasure of all and also as a guide to some in life!

Many men have missed such a chance to preserve their great and
Best ideas making their long life as a big waste useless to all ever!
Have they thought a while in this way, they too could have become
Best citizens of the world one day thanks to world wide websites....!

World Wide Poetry Websites!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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