Would He Care Poem by Firestar Christopoulos

Would He Care

I would lay my life down for him.
Would he care?

I would lie to God, Devil and anyone else to protect him.
Would he care?

Would he see my love, if I was to walk through hell to save him?
Could he just once turn around to I care more than he realizes?

I would cheat death and life, even law to help him in his time of need.
Would he care enough to reach out to me?

I would take a bullet for him.
I would do anything for his love, but he doesn’t seem to know or see my love.

I would step in front a speeding car, as he runs to another woman waiting arms.
Would he even look back at my dying body to wonder why I did?

Would I be fool to do all this for him?
Why do I want to do this for him?

Would he care?
After all I say and try would he ever come searching for me to say I love you or just run to next false love waiting arms.

I breathe each second of day for him.
Would he care?

Would he even offer me his hand out of love for all the things I would do for him?
I would always wonder about it now?

I offer him all of me.
Would he care enough to take me into his arms?

Would he be as restless as me, if he knew he is the first and last person I think about upon each day?
Will I ever hear his voice calling out my name in our heated passion his bed?

I would tread place with him, just so he could be free.
Would he care enough to write me every day as he moved about life?

Would I be doing all this for the man I love, when he has never once told me how he feels toward me?
Will he love me in the same way, as I love him?

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