Would I Ever Rebloom In Your Heart? Poem by KRISHNAPRIYA K S

Would I Ever Rebloom In Your Heart?

You drizzled down on me like a gentle rain
Like a petal I was taken off to a Hazy World,
Where you became my timeless quest.
Your sparkling eyes were so alluring
That I lived my life as if it belonged to you.
Your smile was so bewitching
That I left all my pursuits incomplete.

Your personae has driven me lunatic.
You have scarred my soul
That I will never be the same again.
My soul is scattering.
My heart is withering
In a thought to retrieve
Thy love I lost.

I enjoyed your nudging & caressing
But I feigned untouched.
I groped your velvety soft hair strands
And I wished to knot it with mine.
Gone were the days I spent in your charm
So endearingly special
That I forgot all my woes in your thought
And I wish to live it up again.
Were you familiar with my feelings?
Then why did you cast me away?
Among your deep dead memories
I found my place.

you left me wandering alone
In a World where I have no alliance.
your memory is my only companion
To occupy a life ahead.
If it were to kill me, Why you woke me up?
Where is the love that blossomed between us?
Would I ever rebloom in your heart?
To reign your garden
And to beget a thousand roses
That carry your fragrance
I wish to rebloom there
Where you buried me
Would I ever rebloom in your heart? ? ?

Would I Ever Rebloom In Your Heart?
Monday, January 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: lost love
Chinedu Dike 02 January 2017

Beautiful romantic piece of poetry, well articulated and nicely brought forth from inner recesses of the heart ♥ with conviction. Thanks for sharing.

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Krishnapriya K S 02 January 2017

Thank You

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