Yesterday's Ghost Poem by Anhelica Velasqsuez

Yesterday's Ghost

Rating: 5.0

To a ghost form my past
theres a question i must ask,
why do you haunt me so?
I have to know.

Why are you there at the bak of my head
when all my most
treasuredd thoughts have fled?

do you think
i have nothing better to do,
than sit and remember,
all about you?

the horrible things
that happened that day
the event the ghost brings
as is the june and july way.

but now its November
and the ghost makes me remember
the day i'd do anything to forget
but it haunts me yet,

it was a year ago
and it blocks out all i know
im being haunted
to the point of insanity

last time someone
made me feel better,
he made me forget it
i told him and i was fine again...

but now he's gone,
and the ghost has won
the thoughts creep in
and take my summer with him

but not my love....
... The ghost cant have
my spirits, so high,
I wont let it take them...
... I'd rather die.

So forget my silly question
I dont wanna ask..

you'r just a ghost
from my past.

Dave Walker 19 November 2011

A good poem, with true emotion. A good write.

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Anhelica Velasqsuez

Anhelica Velasqsuez

Land of Enchantment
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