Yield Not Poem by Chris Jibero

Yield Not

A devious drawback
A mendacious monster
A vagrant vampire
A caustic crippler
A cruel serial killer
That devours sweet souls
Face stubborn challenges
Is fear, so scary a beast

He rides into havens
With his uncouth, muscle-flexing
Molesting goons
Zealously broadcasting our past errors only
To cow and put us to shame
But carefully covering our humble achievements
With its thick blanket of lie
Because he is stoutly poised to suffocate
All the good that we bear
Desiring our lives to tear
Constantly flashing us
His sadistic investitures
Regret, sadness,
Self-pity, worry, despair and weakness
Converters of our success and joy
To failure and mourning
So it can arrest and bully the unwary
To accept defeat instead of victory
Purposely to earn himself
With his comic crew
The prestigious, pristine last laugh

But light dwelling inside of the saved
Arises and beams love, courage and sound mind
Illuminating the whole heart
Spurring us to fight gallantly
Like the ruddy youth David
With the sword of the Spirit
To overcome the robber
Thereby stopping him from exacting his routine
To kill
To steal
And to destroy

Now, hear it loud and clear
All who have hearing ears
That fear is but a well-prepared fufu
Positioned to be savoured with rich erwah soup
Seasoned and spiced up with grace
And no matter the severity of a drought
A lion will never bleat like a goat

Oh, how precious our mouths are
Filled with the precious, loud last laugh
Because we hold on, without wavering,
To the Word!

(c) Chris Jibero.

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