You Are My Friend, Dear Laitman, Poem by Liza Sud

You Are My Friend, Dear Laitman,

You are my friend, dear Laitman,
part of my speech, my face,
I enter into your space,
how children from God are coming.

they descend down from the sky,
higher world is still kept in mind,
and they know exactly the way,
without worrying about sweat, bread.

And you have made my descent,
lifting me gently first,
It may happen just once I thought,
But with you - as much as you want.

for you it is even the norm,
and so everything is normal,
and now I am quite calm,
not afraid of infernal forces.

Because they are afraid of God,
He has everything in His power,
Lightman, it's you who told me that
and no one has explained it brighter.

We are one heart. In one linking,
Feast is not Feast for me without you
I hope to walk together to Easter,
You will accept Christianity.


Вы мне друг, дорогой Лайтман,

часть лица моего, речи,

и я в Ваше вхожу пространство,

как от Бога выходят дети.

они спускаются с неба,

высший мир еще чуть-чуть помня,

и точно знают дорогу,

не заботясь о поте, хлебе.

И вы мой спуск совершили,

приподняв сперва осторожно,

так думала раз в жизни,

только с Вами так можно больше.

для Вас это даже норма,

и поэтому все нормально,

я теперь совершенно спокойна,

не боюсь я сил инфернальных.

они - ибо - боятся Бога,

абсолютно все в Его власти,

это Вы мне сказали, Лайтман,

и никто не сказал прекрасней.

Одно сердце мы. В одной связке,

И без Вас мне Праздник не Праздник.

Я надеюсь, чтоб вместе ходить на Пасху,

Вы примите Христианство.

Friday, April 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
Daniel Brick 01 April 2016

You are my friend, Dear Laitman - You will accept Christianity. The beginning and ending of your poem. More about these framing lines later. But first, this is a wonderful poem because it tells the truth about your experience with Laitman, which began as reader and author, expanded to student and teacher, deepened into ephebe and mentor, heightened into recipient and light-bringer, finally assessed as friend and friend. What a relationship! One characterized by the most spiritual commitment in both of you. It will continue growing, won't it? l (You see, Liza, the computer just malfuntioned and stole part of my letter to YOU. I'm going to another box.)

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