You Know What's Best For You Poem by Ray Hansell

You Know What's Best For You

There comes a time in every life
When we decide who and what matters
Because we all must move on
After our hearts have been shattered

So many people from our past
Will always stay right there
The ones that we care about
Will always stay in our lives to share

The pains of life we all feel
As we live from day to day
Loved ones we lose along the way
Forever, in our hearts will stay

If someone doesn’t want you in their life
Don’t ever let that bother you
There’s probably more then an even chance
You don’t need them in your life to

I’ve heard it said a million times
Things in life happen for a reason
Just like spring follows winter
Life can be ever pleasing

So don’t live life filled with regrets
Don’t dwell too much on the past
Although past pains and heartaches
For a while are going to last

There will be times when things go wrong
This happens so you will know and appreciate
That when things do go right
That’s when the world looks great

If you get the opportunity at a second chance
Never let that second chance pass you by
Give it your best shot
At least people will know you made a try

Try to live life to the fullest
Put all you can into living
Take all that life will give to you
But along the way do some giving

Love the people who treat you right
While you learn to forgive the rest
No matter what anyone may say
When it comes to you, you know what is best

© 9-17-10/RJH

Ray Hansell

Ray Hansell

New Jersey
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