You'll Do It Someday Poem by Aadil Hingorjo

You'll Do It Someday

Let's meet on a cup of tea anywhere you want
You see the season too is set
From Thatta to Thar, it's rained on every inch
Let's sit down for an hour or two
Let's discuss the gone things that happened
How they hooked you; how I perceived them
Tell me word to word how it actually befell
Did it literally befall or you did it yourself?
Of course, keep aside the remorse; just be true
Honestly uncover the situation
Revisit thy storyline, Oh you young aspirant
And talk to me of the then state of your mind
Many a people do it, and lots of lives fail it
Your hit is just amazing!
It caught my internal eye
I'm sorry if any trash tarnished you
I'm sorry if any uncertain incident undid you
I'm sorry if the thoughts couldn't journey well
I'm sorry if the entire concept disgusted you
Amidst, you took an strange turn
Or perhaps you were compelled
Tell me the fault-line to the defaulted drift
Confess if the poetry of time didn't work
Unravel your intensity bit by bit
Reveal me the race that rated you down
Or perhaps it might intellectualize you
The other way could possibly knock you
Write to me, at least!
Do reply me, if you read this
Write me back if you receive it
O Man from the Moen's land, just drop it down
Greys and greens, all you must flash out
Don't be doubtful for now
Do it the other time
Do it when you're all up for it
You'll do it, I repeat, you surely will!
Pretty pens don't dim down easily
Their voyage whistles the marvels of the ages!

You'll Do It Someday
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: awakening,belief,encouraging,hope
Aadil Hingorjo

Aadil Hingorjo

Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan
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